All students will participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity each day, as follows:
1.Each student will engage in at least 15 minutes of planned moderate to vigorous physical activity each day. With input from the staff, the principal (or principal designee) will work out how this will be implemented. The arrangements must fit within the limits of our building and staffing and be compatible with our school improvement plan.
2.Each student will participate in physical education class.
3.Each student will have at least 20 minutes a day of supervised recess. Weather permitting, recess will occur outdoors as often as possible and teachers will encourage the students verbally to engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity. The school will provide space and equipment to make that activity possible and appealing to students.
4.Teachers will make all reasonable efforts to avoid periods of more than 30 minutes when students are physically inactive. When possible, physical activity will be integrated into learning activities. When that is not possible, students will be given periodic breaks during which they are encouraged to stand and move in some form.
5.Students will not be deprived of recess or other physical activity as a consequence for behavior or academic performance.
6.Appropriate accommodations will be made for students with special needs, as required by law and sound professional judgment.
We will encourage healthy choices among students using the following methods:
1.Implementing the nutritional standards required by federal and state laws and regulations that apply to our food program and to other food and beverages available during the school day.
2.Implementing a practical living curriculum, which addresses the standards for health education, physical education, and consumerism.
3.Integrating all content areas by making connections to health and wellness and by incorporating movement-based activities when possible ©2006 (Updated 2018), KASC SBDM Policy Kit 2
We will assess students’ level of physical activity and physical fitness at least once a year using the following procedures:
1.The principal (or designee), with collaboration from teachers and parents with wellness expertise, will select an assessment tool. Once the council has adopted a tool, it will remain in use unless the principal (or designee) recommends a change.
2.The principal (or designee) will develop a schedule for completing the assessment during the last month of school.
3.The principal will report the results of the wellness assessment data to the council annually.
4.The council will discuss the results of the report and decide if appropriate wellness goals are included in the school improvement plan or if they need to be added or revised.
The provisions of this policy will be implemented to comply with provisions required by federal law, state law, and local board policy. If any specific requirement above does not fit with those rules, the principal will notify the council so that the policy can be amended to fit. The principal will share this policy with the Kentucky Department of Education upon request.
A Coordinated School Health Committee will collect and analyze data to be used as a support and resource for collaboration and integration of practical living instruction throughout the school environment. The council will evaluate the effectiveness of this policy based on the feedback from Coordinated School Health committee and through our annual school improvement planning process.
1. The state SBDM law, KRS 160.345(11), for schools containing any of the grades K through 5. This law says this policy must include plans for: having moderate to vigorous physical activity each day, permitting physical activity to be part of the instructional day not to exceed 30 minutes per day or 150 minutes per week, encouraging healthy choices among students, and adopting an assessment tool to determine each child’s level of physical activity on an annual basis. The language for these requirements is in bold italics.
2. The federal Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act (2010) Since 2004 the district has been required to have a local Wellness Policy in place for each school under its jurisdiction. Check with your District Food Service Director to ensure your school Wellness Policy aligns with your District Wellness Policy