In order to provide multiple opportunities to develop complex communication skills for a variety of purposes and use a variety of language resources, we will make sure students:
1. Engage in three categories of writing: writing to learn, writing to demonstrate learning to the teacher, and writing for publication.
2. Experience authentic, meaningful writing at all grade levels:
a. Writing for a variety of purposes: Opinion (Elementary)/Argumentative (Secondary) to support claims Informative/explanatory texts. Narrative to develop real or imagined experiences or events
b. Writing for a variety of audiences
c. Experiences that reveal ownership and independent thinking d. Writing in which students draw on their own experiences, learning, reading, and inquiry to complete writing tasks
3. Experience the writing process at all grade levels: planning, drafting, revising, editing, publishing, and reflecting upon writing.
4. Be provided consistent and timely feedback throughout the writing process to guide and improve writing skills.
5. Experience writing in both on-demand and writing-over-time situations.
6. Write as a natural outcome of the content being studied in all curriculum areas.
7. Read and analyze a variety of print and non-print materials (e.g., artwork (2D and 3D), photographs, electronic text, graphics, illustrations, web images, maps, multimedia) including persuasive, literary, informational, and practical/workplace materials. Use readings as models for student writing.
8. Learn about and use appropriate resources for writing (e.g., personal interviews, observations, print materials, and technology) driven by different instructional purposes with different audiences for the student to consider. 2 ©2006 (Updated 2018), KASC SBDM Policy Kit
9. Have intentionally scheduled time within the instructional day for writing instruction and experiences while also providing learning opportunities that occur naturally across content areas to explore ideas and design products.
10. Have relevant learning opportunities include contact with community members, postsecondary partners, and businesses.
11. Apply appropriate writing skills to oral communication.
12. Engage in real world and creative communication appropriate for meeting Kentucky Academic Standards.
To provide multiple opportunities for students to develop complex communication skills for a variety of purposes, teachers will:
1. Teach and require students to use higher-order thinking skills whenever possible.
2. Assign three categories of writing: writing to learn, writing to demonstrate learning, and writing for publication in order to provide authentic, meaningful writing at all grade levels that includes:
a. Writing for a variety of purposes: Opinion (Elementary)/Argumentative (Secondary) to support claims Informative/explanatory texts. Narrative to develop real or imagined experiences or events
b. Writing for a variety of audiences
c. Writing about experiences that reveal ownership and independent thinking
d. Writing in which students draw on their own experiences, learning, reading, and inquiry to complete writing tasks
3. Teach the writing process at all grade levels: planning, drafting, revising, editing, publishing, and reflecting upon writing including, but not limited to, on-demand and writing-over-time assignments.
4. Provide consistent and timely feedback throughout the writing process to guide and improve students’ writing skills.
5. Incorporate writing as a natural outcome of the content being studied in all curriculum areas.
6. Provide instruction that includes the complex processes, concepts, and principles of literacy using differentiated strategies to make instruction accessible.
7. Assign students to read and analyze a variety of print and non-print materials including persuasive, literary, informational, and practical/workplace materials using these readings and materials as models for student writing.
8. Provide appropriate resources for writing driven by different instructional purposes with different audiences for the student to consider.
9. Demonstrate, through strands of literacy, an understanding of cultural differences and work effectively with people from a range of social and cultural backgrounds to build on and articulate ideas.
10. Ensure that students apply technology as a tool throughout the writing process. 3 ©2006 (Updated 2018), KASC SBDM Policy Kit
11. Allow student choice and exploration.
12. Provide experiences for students to apply appropriate writing skills to oral communication skills and real world and creative communication experiences appropriate for meeting Kentucky Academic Standards.
To ensure that a guaranteed and viable curriculum and instructional practices are in place, a review of the writing plan and the following assurances will take place annually.
1. Ensure curriculum is vertically and horizontally aligned to Kentucky Academic Standards.
2. Assign a literacy team to develop a written plan for implementing and monitoring writing.
3. Ensure the plan includes guidelines for incorporating student and teacher use of technology tools.
4. Ensure the implementation of the Writing Policy and Writing Plan.
5. Ensure that the Writing Policy and the Writing Plan are reviewed annually and revised (if necessary).
6. Ensure teachers receive job-embedded professional learning opportunities integrated in the workday and provide regular and consistent time for teachers to collaborate on programmatic improvements and exchange ideas.
Writing plans will be separate from this policy and will be specific for each grade level. These plans will reflect this policy and will be adjusted based on the testing data, classroom data, and program appraisal data. To ensure the writing process includes reflection, assessment, and feedback, the writing plan will incorporate:
1. Grade level expectations
2. Evidence collected from PLC work and observations
3. Collection of student samples of written work to demonstrate writing skills
We will evaluate the effectiveness of this policy through our school improvement planning process.